The Net Zero & ESG Seminar held jointly by ORing, ITRI, and Bank Sinopac in January 2023 ended with positive feedbacks from all participants. Besides shining a light on methods for calculating greenhouse gas emissions and product carbon footprint, ORing also demonstrated its micro-grid energy management system and shared tips on creating ESG sustainability reports to help corporate customers set up and achieve ESG goals successfully.

Industries around the world are gearing up for a net-zero world, making energy efficiency and carbon reductions an integral part of their ESG governance. The seminar was held as part of ORing's ESG practices and to assist its customers in achieving carbon neutrality and creating new revenue streams. Implementing environmental energy management systems and complying with international standards for environmental management standards can demonstrate a company's commitment to ESG practices. This is why ORing established the New Energy Business Unit where ORing’s professional team will use its know-how and ORing's energy management solution to help customers stay ahead of regulations and compliance, thereby achieving cabron neutrality.


ORing's energy management solution powered by its EMS energy management platform offers five modules for a variety of application markets ranging from carbon emissions and renewable energy management to efficient energy storage and smart city. Customers can choose the module based on their needs and site conditions. ORing's EMS solution factors in the power consumption and operations of customers' factories to find out where to use renewable energy, where the power can be dispatched, or what subsidies for energy efficiency are available. So far, ORing has helped several customers reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy efficiency by leveraging best practices for factory automation and ORing's tailor-made solutions. 


“ORing is committed to helping enterprise customers achieve energy efficiency and carbon emissions with one-stop services,” said ORing President and CEO Angus Shih. “ORing's EMS energy management platform consists of five modules, covering a variety of application markets from carbon emissions to renewable energy management, efficient and environmental energy storage, and smart city. The EMS platform has been received positive customer feedback.” 


Apart from the revolutionary EMS solution, ORing also provides micro-grid system planning services, such as solar energy, energy storage, generators, charging stations, and other renewable energy and power backup systems, as well as counseling services to support enterprises in achieving the ultimate goal of net-zero transformation. 


Angus points out that many business owners are anxious about achieving net-zero carbon emissions because of the enormous cost and not knowing where to start. In fact, net zero carbon emissions can generate profits in many ways. Apart from reducing energy consumption, enterprises investing in renewable energy can get paid for the electricity they generate through the government's Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme. The government also offers many subsidies for investing in smart machinery and ESCO. These incentives will prompt businesses to adopt renewable energy while encouraging financial service providers to grant loans to businesses for building clean energy solutions, which in turn will ease the businesses’ financial burden. This is why ORing has teamed up with ITRI and Bank Sinopac to help customers achieve their ESG goals seamlessly. 


Angus believes digital transformation and ESG will be the dual engines for business growth and innovation in 2023 and reducing carbon emissions is one of the most effective ways to achieve these goals. Through ORing's EMS solution and professional services, customers can rest assured that they will enjoy higher energy and production efficiency.

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