Taipei , Taiwan,29. June 2020. 

Requirements for railway networks are becoming increasingly demanding, especially in terms of security and management efficiency. This is why ORing has launched a robust, high-performance Ethernet switch targeting railway applications. The new switch offers full support for IEC-61375, including TTDP and TRDP, to give railway operators peace of mind.


Generally, networks are designed to work in a fixed environment which means flexibility is relatively low. As a result, changing network topologies requires the entire network to be reconfigured, which is a pain in the neck in railway applications where train carriages are constantly changed or rearranged. IT staff must adjust network configurations manually, which is not only time consuming but also leading to enormous management burdens. Reconfiguring networks manually also increases the risk of human-based errors. With the TTDP support provided by ORing's TGRS-T120-M12X-BP2, these problems can be solved. The auto-negotiation feature of TTDP enables railway systems to perform network configuration tasks automatically without operator intervention. When carriages are changed or rearranged, the switch in the head carriage will negotiate with the switches in other carriages and assign them an IP address based on the new arrangement of the trains. Hence, the system will always be able to reach a given device on a given train carriage. TTDP not only enhances management efficiency by simplifying network configuration, it also ensures safer train operations as man-made errors are reduced. 


Another key feature of the TGRS-T120-M12X-BP2 is TRDP (Train Real-Time Data Protocol) support, an open network protocol defined in the IEC 61375 standard to facilitate real-time communications over IP-based networks. With TRDP, devices such as door controls, displays, and air conditioners can communicate with each other in a transparent way as data is transmitted based on the established UDP (User Datagram Protocol) communication standard or on TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). With growing requirements for real-time data transmission in the railway industry due to security concerns, TRDP is becoming an indispensable feature in future trains. With TRDP support, coupled with other security and network redundancy functions such as security routing, VRRP, and hardware bypass, ORing helps customers create a railway network featuring high management efficiency and availability.

 "Designed with passenger security and operational efficiency in mind, I am sure the TGRS-T120-M12X-BP2 will be a game changer for railway companies," said ORing founder and CEO Angus Shih.