Location: Belgium

Partner: De Lijn 3

Project Name: ReTiBo

How many buses and trains:

Over 5000 vehicles in total. Whereof 4550 busses and +/- 450 trams.

Project Time Frame:

Cooked from 2005, started 2011 and was planned to finish by end 2013.

Product Selection:  TES-3080-M12 and TAP-620-M12

The current ticket sales system Prodata, based on magnetic stripe cards, was introduced in the early '90s. This system has now been industrial and functionally obsolete. Consequently, the operational reliability and a lack of spare parts for the system itself demand a replacing technology. This replacement will become a reality after the realization of the projects Bo and ReTi.

Bo stands for on-board computer; the project embraces the ultimate replacement of the current Prodata drivers console, the establishment of a communications network and the delivery of a number of support services that can be used by other projects.

ReTi stands for "Passenger registration and Ticketing"; the project embraces a new infrastructure for customer acquisition, sales, registration and ticketing, control, data collection and management and revenue management.

Project Structure:

ORing TES-3080-M12 in each carriage are used to link to IP cameras for video surveillance and messenger security. TAP-620-M12, ORing Wireless Access Point, enables constant inter-carriage Wi-Fi access solution.

Project Requirement & Ultimate Goal:

  • Fully compliant with EN50155 certification
  • Reliable and stable massive data transmission.
  • Storage and exchange of data (data files, logging, etc.).
  • Management of communications to, from and in the vehicle.
  • Control of other systems and applications.
  • User of public transport in Belgium should still only one card purchases when he/she makes a movement using multiple transport companies