EtherNet/IP is an industrial network protocol that employs the Common Industrial Protocol(CIP) to standard Ethernet. The EtherNet/IP and CIP are managed by ODVA, Inc., which founded in 1995 and it is a global trade and standard development organization whose members are suppliers of devices for industrial automation application.

CIP uses its object-oriented design to provide EtherNet/IP with the services and device profiles needed for real-time control applications and to promote consistent implementation of automation functions across products. With EtherNet/IP, users can integrate I/O control, device configuration and data collection across multiple network systems.

EtherNet/IP supports two types of communication:
● Explicit messaging – A client/server communications which uses TCP/IP over Ethernet.
● Implicit messaging – A time critical, scheduled communication which uses UDP/IP over Ethernet.

For large data communication, Explicit Messaging is the preferred choice because bandwidth is saved, as data is only requested when necessary. Implicit messaging is used for real-time and high speed applications, it has less "overhead" and is more efficient than explicit messaging.



Follow the steps below to configure EtherNet/IP on ORing switches.
Step 1: Login the web page of the switch
Step 2: Find EtherNet/IP Configuration Page on Basic Setting→EtherNet/IP
Step 3: Select Enable and click Save to enable the EtherNet/IP
Step 4: Download the EDS File


ORing managed Ethernet switches support the following objects for PLCs and SCADA systems to monitor:

Ethernet/IP_object id